08 February 2011

The Suitcase

Enjoying a nice dinner out with friends.  Sipping some after dinner drinks.  The perfect time to tell a good story.  A good story - funny, and appropriate for the company - definitely shows good style. 

This tale was told to me by my good friend Max.  It's a true story.  But I changed the names.

Daphne and Betsy were the best of friends.  Daphne was going away for a week.  She asked Betsy to take care of her dog while she was away.  Betsy easily agreed.  She stopped by Daphne's every day to feed, walk and play with her dog.  One day she showed up and the dog was dead!, apparently of some natural cause.  Betsy called Daphne and told her the bad news.  Daphne, very upset, asked Betsy to take her dog to the vet so she could at least find out how he died.  Again Betsy easily agreed.  After getting off the phone, Betsy realized the difficulty of this task.  She decided to put the dog in a suitcase and ride the subway to a nearby vet.  When exiting the subway Betsy struggled with the weight of the suitcase as she ascended the stairs.  A seemingly nice guy offered to help carry the suitcase up the stairs.  "What you got in here," he asked.  Betsy, a little caught off guard answered, "oh, just music and DJ equipment." Thinking the suitcase contained music and DJ equipment, when they reached the top of the stairs, the guy ran off with the suitcase!  

Betsy was left standing there, in shock.  She attempted to chase the guy down, but he got away, with a suitcase containing a dead dog.  Ha.  Now Betsy had to explain this to Daphne.  


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